Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, February 12, 2023
My Intervention Will Put an End to This World of Squalid Men!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on February 11, 2023

I am He who I am!
Oh! ... you who have turned your backs on Me, who have slaughtered your own brothers, you will understand My saying very soon, you will not be able to escape My Wrath, for you begins a time of great tribulation, you will lose luster and power.
As God and Father I come to you O Ungrateful People, I come to rebuke you: turn from sin, ... your turning away from Me leads you to death! Repent quickly; be saved O man, be saved!
Repent if you want to be saved, there is no more time to waste behind the things of the world, My Wrath is already upon you O swaggering people, O you, who put your Savior on the Cross.
My People weep, suffer for the wickedness of man who kills his own blood, makes booty of it for Satan's banquets! Oh, My children, be converted!
My Intervention will put an end to this world of squalid men! Repugnant to My Eyes!
Foolish men, imbued with the poison of the Ancient Serpent, verily I say unto you, ... you shall die! You will go with Satan to Hell!
These are decisive hours for Earth and for Humanity. Satan's fascination invests mankind, which allows itself to be used for his dismal desire to tear you away from Me.
Bend your hearts to Me O men, ... call Me Father! Plead for My mercy!
The hour of your choice has come, in My great Mercy I grant you one last moment to prefer Me , or follow Lucifer to Hell!
This is the most difficult moment to go through, ... the world enters its total convulsion.
Source: ➥